
Friday, October 10, 2014

Health Updates and More

As many of you know, I have struggled with my health over the last ten years or so. In the last year, I have had a lot of problems in my lower back which has put me in bed for days at a time due to extreme pain. My primary care doctor at the VA has been more active recently in listening to my needs. I have had appointments with a spine doctor who requested an MRI to be done on my back. I have also been referred to a neurologist for my memory problems and an MRI was requested for my brain. Both MRI's were done at the same time a few weeks ago. The MRI of my back showed arthritis and degenerative discs - which was no surprise. The good news there was that I do not need back surgery. The MRI of my brain showed no sign of Alzheimer's disease. The neurologist told me that I was just aging. 

The neurologist had also requested a lot of blood work that had to do with the immune system. Everything came back fine except for the Epstein Barr levels. The normal count for that is @ 20. Mine was over 500! Apparently, the blood work showed a pox virus still in my body. The neurologist believes it has settled in the weak points of my back and is causing the inflammation. I am on very strong medication right now that is making me dizzy, but that is supposed to be normal. The doctor said it was going to be aggressive. The medicine will keep the virus from spreading as well.  He has also ordered a sleep study to be done. Lack of sleep may be attributing to my memory loss. 

Physical therapy for my back has been requested and I am waiting on my primary care doctor to approve of a therapist. 
Ready to walk!

I was told I had to lose weight in order to keep my health under control, My daughter, Rebecca, and I have been walking a little over mile in the mornings. We were a little overzealous the other day and tried to walk 2 miles. We both agreed we weren't quite ready for that. The mornings have been beautiful weather for walking and so far, I have not had problems with my back after the morning walk. 

I have a good helper who is keeping the church running smoothly. Bro. Luis and his family are doing a great job. I do not have to worry about the church's well being in his care. 

The men are still visiting without my presence, and over 900 gospel tracts were given out last week! What a blessing. One woman they came in contact with said she had been looking for a Baptist church that preached the Word and was there visiting on Sunday. We have had other visitors as well as a direct result from visitation. 

In other news, our field director, Bro. Terry Jones, was here preaching Revival meetings
in both my son-in-law's church and in mine. We enjoyed the time with him and the services went well. 

I had asked for prayer for a little boy named Saul. He is the younger son of our helper, Bro. Luis. Saul had surgery on a hernia and is recovering well. 

My plans for this fall and winter is to do some repair work on the church building due to heavy rains. With the weather being much cooler now, we plan to get as many Gospel tracts out as we can before the cold winds of winter start blowing. 

Thank you for praying for me. Please don't stop. This new medication I am on makes me dizzy and sleepy but I have faith that it will do it's work in my body. I've been taking this medication for the virus for almost 2 weeks and I have a few more weeks of this treatment left. I was also prescribed new medication for nerve pain and that is working well for me at this time.