
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Investing in a Cause

One of my favorite phrases is this: Invest in a cause that will outlive you. I live by this. I strive for this in the ministry in which God has given me. It's hard sometimes. Many times. Sometimes the reward for the investment is not seen. Here lately, God has been blessing over and over. Back in June, Jorge and his wife were baptized. He is now helping in the services and going out on visitation each week. With my associate, Luis, and another man named Juan, last week 420 Gospel tracts were given out. Each week, the men pass out
hundreds of tracts and are out inviting others to our church services. Jorge has been witnessing to his uncle and his uncle has been coming to the services and has been listening to the Gospel message being preached by the different men in our church. Last week, he came to me after the service and said he couldn't wait to be saved. He said he waited all day for the church doors to open so he could talk to me. I was grinning from ear to ear! I told him he didn't have to wait, but I sure was glad for the privilege of winning him to the Lord! That's cause for shoutin'! I was rejoicing with the angels over the one soul saved. 

My associate is above and beyond what I could have asked for in a helper. If he sees the church needs painting, he finds the paint in storage and does it himself. If trash is on the property, he and his wife clean it up. He e-mails me every morning and tells me what a blessing I am to him and his family and he is glad to be of service this day. What can he do to help? He's always watching out for me and won't even let me work! I am so thankful for this family and am trying not to get a big head! This family was on the verge of destruction two years ago, and here they are in the ministry. He has said from the pulpit that he is only here because of the investment my family has put in their lives. Only by the grace of God... 

Coming up soon, Jorge and his wife will have a wedding celebration. They've been together for 9 years and have 4 children. They would like to be married under God and with the church there to witness it. They are also going to be married and recognized by the government as a married couple. Lives transformed! I'm so glad I get to watch this family grow in the Lord. 

My mission director is coming down in September. We are having revival services in our church and my son-in-law, John Gilbreath,  has enlisted Bro. Terry's help in officially organizing the church he took over last year. He has been teaching the church constitution over the summer months. 

We are investing in a cause over here in Juárez. The cause for Christ. Are you investing?