
Friday, August 25, 2017

Missions and Giving

Thank you for your support. School has started back and through your giving to the ministry in Mexico, I was able to put 4 kids in school!  What a blessing!!

Also, some of our people have gone through some real trials of medical needs. I was able to help one sister in the Lord whose mom had to have half of her leg amputated.  Through your support, some of this need was met.

 Sister Alberta’s grandson was shot. He is 14 years old. Due to the gang activity in her area, the house she is living in received bullet holes from an attack. She fell sick due to this act of violence and had to have some very expensive medicine to calm her down.  I was able to pay for the visit to the medical clinic and provide her with the medication! Thank you for helping in this matter!

One profession of faith this past month!

Sister Martina, a lady in John’s church, had a need for her son who is in bad physical condition due to a brain concussion. He was in need of a wheelchair.  That need was also met! Thank you for your faithful giving!

 Help us pray for revival again during October 15 –18. We are looking for a great time!  Once again, Brother Terry Jones will be preaching.

We are planning to enclose a heater this fall. Also, we are planning to paint our building inside! Thank you for your mission giving to help on these projects!

Thank you for your prayers! I am doing much better this month with my shoulder.  I have started driving, for which I am thankful.  A great big THANKS to my daughter Rebecca who has unselfishly driven me everywhere these past few months.